High-Power Speaker
Technical Information for System Engineers
Keyy FFeaattuuress
• High-SPL, high-efficiency system for the
sound reinforcement and PA markets.
• BroadBeamHP® coverage pattern
providing smooth response and high
SPL across the audio spectrum.
• One 203 mm (8.0 in) concentric coaxial
coated fiber driver, 25 mm (1.0 in)
compression driver with a 50 mm (2.0 in)
titanium diaphragm.
• Weatherized components and sealed
input panel for indoor/outdoor
Sppeecifiiccaattions: HP8ii-T64 HP8ii-SM-T64
System Type
8” 2-way high-power ported (64 Watt transformer or
70.7/100 Volt applications with voice coil/8 Ohm direct)
• Switchable dual input option for either
voice coil/8Ohm direct or 70.7/100
Volt applications.
Frequency Response (-3 dB)1
Low Frequency (-10 dB)1
Max. Program Power
Max. Continuous Power RMS2
Max. SPL dB @ 1M
Sensitivity dB @ 1W/1M3
88 Hz – 15 kHz
52 Hz – 17 kHz
250 W
• Multiple installation hardware
options for overhead and surface-
mount applications.
125 W
116 dB
95 dB
8 Ohm (nominal value)
Selectable via barrier terminal strip
• Integrated hanging and safety cables
for easier and cleaner-looking installs.
Tap Selector
Transformer Taps
• Fine black or white paint finish.
70.7 V Output
64 W 113 dB
32 W 110 dB
16 W 107 dB
8 W 104 dB
100 V Output
n/a n/a
64 W 113 dB
32 W 110 dB
16 W 107 dB
The SoundTube HP8i is a premium 2-
way low-profile, high-efficiency, high-SPL
speaker with BroadBeamHP® technology
providing a wide dispersion pattern for the
sound reinforcement and PA markets.
Coverage Angle (-6 dB @ 2 kHz)
Coverage Angle (-6 dB @ 8 kHz)
Directivity Factor (Q)
4.04 (100 Hz to 10 kHz averaged) 6.07 @ 2 kHz
5.21 dB (100 Hz to 10 kHz averaged) 7.83 dB @ 2 kHz
The HP8i is engineered for installations
requiring full-range background/fore-
ground music plus paging. A smooth and
even coverage pattern makes the HP8i
an ideal choice for use in warehouses,
gyms, aerobic rooms, super stores, theme
parks and other open-ceiling or outdoor
applications where high SPL is required.
Directivity Index (DI)
Low Frequency Driver
High Frequency Driver
1 x 203 mm (8.0 in) concentric coaxial coated fiber driver
1 x 25 mm (1.0 in) compression driver with a
50 mm (2.0 in) titanium diaphragm
1.8 kHz
Crossover Frequency
Network Type
Low Pass
High Pass
Enclosure Material
Net Weight
12 dB per octave, 2nd order
18 dB per octave 3rd order with protection circuitry
Corrosion-resistant gold-plated barrier strips
Engineered glass-fiber reinforced composite
Black or white
316 mm (12.43 in)
405 mm (15.95 in)
10.71 kG (23.6 lbs)
Castt CCoommppoossiitte Ennclosuurre
SoundTube’s HP8i cast composite enclo-
sure provides a low-resonance platform
with effective self-damping properties for
a clean, tight sound. Compression cast
glass-fiber composite material coupled with
SoundTube’s patented ZeroReflection™
internal shaping provides extreme stiffness,
eliminating internal standing waves and
external diffraction distortions. The result
is accurate sound and tight bass in a com-
mercial speaker.
See installation options on back page
Techniccal Data
Frequency response is measured in full space.
Continuous power rating, EIA-426-B test.
2.83 Volts at a distance of 1 meter.
SoundTube Entertainment strives to pro-
vide complete and effective technical infor-
mation and data to dealers, engineers and
SoundTube continually develops new product innovations and improvements. Updates to existing
products without prior notice are an example of SoundTube’s drive for constant improvement.
© 2004 SoundTube Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. REV 07.20.05
High-Power Speaker
Technical Information for System Engineers
Hoorriizzoonnttaall OOnnee OOccttaavvee PPoollaarrss
125 Hz
250 Hz
500 Hz
1,000 HHzz
2,000 Hzz
4,000 Hz
8,000 Hz
Technical data, EASE plots, SoundTubeSPEC software & product downloads available at www.soundtube.com
High-Power Speaker
Technical Information for System Engineers
Mechanicaal Drawinggs
Installation for the HP8i shall be by a
single hanging aircraft cable with a 1/4-20
stud into threaded insert on rear input
panel. The HP8i-SM model shall include
a Surface Mount Bracket kit constructed
of 12-gauge cold rolled steel (CRS) with
electrostatic paint. A safety cable shall be
included as a seismic and safety redun-
dancy system on both models. The external
wiring input connectors shall be barrier-
terminal strip and shall accept from 16 –
22 gauge wire (or wire of any size using a
blade terminal input). Overall cabinet dimen-
sions shall be no more than 316 mm (12.43 in)
in diameter, by 405 mm (15.95 in) in length,
and weigh no more than 10.71 kG (23.6 lbs).
405 mm (115.955 inn))
The system shall be the SoundTube HP8i
for both low and high impedance.
316 mm (12..43 in))
SoundTuubbee EEnntteerrttaaiinnmmeenntt
6430 North Business Park Loop
Park City, Utah 84098
Installatioon OOppttiioonnss
Phone 435.647.9555
482.6 mm (19.00 inn))
Toll Free 800.647.TUBE
All SoundTube pprooducts comee
wiith a 5-yearr lliimmiitted warranty
Hanging/Safety Cable
HP8i-SM Surface-Mount speaker system
with SpeedClamp™
Oppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorries
(not shown)
AC-CC-10 – 10’ adjustable Combi-Cable AC-CC-20 – 20’ adjustable Combi-Cable
AC-HK-10 – 10’ hanging cable AC-HK-20 – 20’ hanging cable AC-BC1 – Beam Clamp
AC-SL1 – Snap Link AC-FE1 – Forged Eyebolt AC-HP8-GC – Protective Sports Cage Grille
SoundTube Entertainment manufactures a complete line of speakers for:
Opeenn--CCeeiilliinngg •• IInn--CCeeiilliinngg •• SSuurrffaaccee--MMount • Outddoooorr •• Souunndd--FFooccuussiinngg
All SoundTube products are designed and engineered in the
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