SmartNode 4654 and 4658 Series
ADSL2+ Multiport ISDN VoIP IAD
Quick Start Guide
Important—This is a Class A device and is intended for use in a light industrial environment. It is not
intended nor approved for use in an industrial or residential environment.
Approval—This device is approved for connection to the public ISDN telecommunication network,
over BRI/S0-ISDN interfaces.
Zulassung—Zugelassen für die Anschaltung an das öffentliche ISDN Telekommunikationnetz an
BRI/S0-ISDN Schnittstellen.
Aprobación—Este aparato está aprobado para conexión a red publica ISDN sobre interfaz BRI/S0.
Approbation—Cet appareil est approuve pour la connexion au reseau ISDN public avec les interfaces
Document Number: 13225U7-002 Rev. A
Part Number: 07MSN4650A-QS
Revised: June 12, 2008
Sales Office: +1 (301) 975-1000
Technical Support: +1 (301) 975-1007
Straight-through wired cable
LAN (ETH 0/0)
Laptop PC
Figure 1. Connecting to the PC
1. Connect the PC’s Ethernet port to LAN (ETH 0/0) port of the SmartNode 4650 ADSL2+. The SmartNode
4650 ADSL2+ Series is equipped with Auto-MDX Ethernet ports, so you can use straight-through Ethernet
cables for host or hub/switch connections. (See figure 1.)
2. The SmartNode comes with a built-in DHCP server to simplify configuration. Therefore, to automatically
configure the PC for IP connectivity to the SmartNode, configure the laptop PC for DHCP. The SmartNode
will provide the PC with an IP address.
3. Check the connection to the SmartNode by executing the ping command from the PC command window
as follows:
3.0 Configuring the desired IP address
3.1 Factory-default IP settings
The factory default configuration for the Ethernet interface IP addresses and netmasks are listed in table 1.
Both Ethernet interfaces are activated upon power-up. LAN interface ETH 0/1 (LAN) provides a default DHCP
server. The WAN interface uses DHCP client to get the IP address and netmask automatically from the
service provider.
Table 1. Factory default IP address and network mask configuration
IP Addresss
Network Mask
WAN interface DSL port (DSL 0/0)
LAN interface Ethernet 1 (ETH 0/0)
DHCP server address range (LAN)
If these addresses match with those of your network, go to section 4.0 “Connecting the SmartNode to the
network masks.
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
3.2 Login
1. To access the SmartNode, start the Telnet application on your PC. Type the default IP address into the
address field: Accessing your SmartNode via a Telnet session displays the login screen.
Type the factory default login: administrator and leave the password empty. Press the Enter key after the
password prompt.
2. After you log in, your SmartNode will be running in operator execution mode (indicated by > character
in the command line prompt). To enter configuration mode, use the commands enable and configure.>enable
3.3 Changing the WAN IP address
1. To modify IP configuration settings, you must enter context IP mode. Enter the following command: ip router[router]#
2. Now you can set your IP address and network mask for the interface ETH 0/0(WAN). In this example a
network is assumed. The IP address in example is set to (You should set it
to the IP address that the network provider has given you.)
Note The examples in this guide use a private IP network with the network address[router]#interface eth_dsl[eth_dsl]#ipaddress
2002-10-29T00:09:40 : LOGINFO
2002-10-29T00:09:40 : LOGINFO[eth_dsl]#
: Link down on interface eth0.
: Link up on interface eth0.
3. Copy this modified configuration to your new start-up configuration. This will store your changes in non-
volatile memory. On the next start-up the system will initialize itself using the modified configuration. (if-ip)[eth_dsl]#copy running-config startup-config (if-ip)[eth_dsl]#
The SmartNode can now be connected to your network.
4.0 Connecting the SmartNode to the network
The interconnecting cables shall be acceptable for external use and shall be rated for
the proper application with respect to voltage, current, anticipated temperature, flam-
mability, and mechanical serviceability.
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
In general, the SmartNode will connect to the network via the WAN (DSL) port. This enables the SmartNode to
offer routing services to the PC hosts on LAN (ETH 0/)) port. The SmartNode 4650 ADSL2+ Series provides an
auto-MDX feature for both Ethernet ports, so you can use a straight-through or cross-over cable to connect to a
host or a switch (see figure 2).
Straight-through wired
or crossover cable
LAN (ETH 0/0)
Figure 2. Connecting the SmartNode to the network
1. You can check the connection with the ping command from the SmartNode to another host on the
local LAN.[eth_dsl]#ping <IP Address of the host>
Note If the WAN address is not set to DHCP, to ping a device outside your local LAN you must first configure
the default gateway. (For information on configuring the default gateway, refer to section “Set IP
addresses” in Appendix C, “Command Summary” of the SmartNode Series SmartWare Software Config-
uration Guide.)
5.0 Loading the configuration (optional)
Patton provides a collection of configuration templates on the CD-ROM shipped with your SmartNode device—
application that you can use it to speed up configuring the SmartNode. Simply download the configuration note
that matches your application to your PC. Adapt the configuration as described in the configuration note to your
network (remember to modify the IP address) and copy the modified configuration to a TFTP server. The Smart-
Node can now load its configuration from this server.
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
Note Patton regularly adds new configuration templates to the collection at, so if
you do not see your application on the CD-ROM, it may have been added to the website.
Note If your application is unique and not covered by any of Patton’s configuration templates, you can man-
ually configure the SmartNode instead of loading a configuration file template. In that case, refer to
the SmartNode Series SmartWare Software Configuration Guide for information on configuring the Smart-
Node device.
In this example we assume an TFTP server resides on the host with the IP address and the configu-
ration file named SN.cfg resides in the root directory of the TFTP server.[eth0]#copy tftp:// startup-
After you reboot the SmartNode the new startup configuration will become active.
When you issue the reload command, the SmartNode will ask if you want to copy the
running configuration to the startup configuration. Since you just downloaded a con-
figuration file to the startup configuration you must answer this question with NO.
Otherwise, the downloaded configuration will be overwritten and lost!
Running configuration has been changed.
Do you want to copy the 'running-config' to the 'startup-config'?
Press 'yes' to store, 'no' to drop changes : no
Press 'yes' to restart, 'no' to cancel : yes
The system is going down
6.0 Additional Information
Refer to the SmartNode Series SmartWare Software Configuration Guide and the SmartNode Getting Started Guide
located on the CD-ROM shipped with your SmartNode device and available online at
manuals. For detailed information about:
• Installing, configuring, operating, and troubleshooting.
• Warranty, trademark & compliance
The CD-ROM also includes many freeware and shareware tools, including TFTP servers, and Telnet clients.
A.0 Customer and Technical Support
Toll-Free VoIP support: call with a VoIP SIP client
Online support:
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
Telephone support:
• Standard: +1 (301) 975-1007 (USA), Monday–Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST (1300 to
2200 UTC/GMT)
• Alternate: +41 (0)31 985 25 55 (Switzerland), Monday–Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm CET (0900 to 1800
Fax: +1 (253) 663-5693 (USA) or +41 (0)31 985 25 26 (Switzerland)
B.0 Compliance Information
B.1 Compliance
EMC Compliance:
• FCC Part 15, Class A
• EN55022, Class A
• EN55024
Safety Compliance:
• UL60950-1/CSA C22.2 No. 60950-1
• IEC/EN 60950-1
• AS/NZS 60950-1
PSTN Regulatory Compliance:
• TBR3
• AS/ACIF S031
• AS/ACIF S043 (ADSL card)
B.2 Radio and TV interference
The SmartNode router generates and uses radio frequency energy, and if not installed and used properly—that
is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions—may cause interference to radio and television
reception. The SmartNode router have been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A computing
device in accordance with specifications in Subpart B of Part 15 of FCC rules, which are designed to provide rea-
sonable protection from such interference in a commercial installation. However, there is no guarantee that
interference will not occur in a particular installation. If the SmartNode router does cause interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by disconnecting the unit, the user is encouraged to try to correct
the interference by one or more of the following measures: moving the computing equipment away from the
receiver, re-orienting the receiving antenna and/or plugging the receiving equipment into a different AC outlet
(such that the computing equipment and receiver are on different branches).
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
B.3 ISDN compliance
This device is approved for connection to the public ISDN telecommunication network.
When this device is used in North America, it shall be connected to a Network Termina-
tion Device and not connected directly to an outside POTS line.
B.4 CE Declaration of Conformity
Product Description: SmartNode 4650 ADSL2+ Series
This equipment conforms to the requirements of Council Directive 1999/5/EC on the approximation of the laws
of the member states relating to Radio and Telecommunication Terminal Equipment and the mutual recognition
of their conformity.
The safety advice in the documentation accompanying the products shall be obeyed.
The conformity to the above directive is indicated by the CE sign on the device.
The signed Declaration of Conformity can be downloaded from
B.5 EG-Konformitätserklärung
Produktbezeichnung: SmartNode 4650 Sendereihe
Die bezeichneten Produkte stimmen in der von uns in Verkehr gebrachten Ausführung mit den Vorschriften fol-
gender Richtlinie überein:
R&TTE 1999/5/EG
Richtlinie des europäischen Parlaments und des Rates zur Angleichung der Rechtsvorschriften der Mitglied-
staaten über Funkanlagen und Telekommunikations-Endeinrichtungen und die gegenseitige Anerkennung ihrer
Die Sicherheitshinweise in der mitgelieferten Produktdokumentation sind zu beachten.
Die Konformität mit der oben erwähnten Richtlinie wird durch das CE-Zeichen auf dem
Gerät bestätigt.
B.6 Zulassung
Zugelassen fur die Anschaltung an das öffentliche ISDN Telekommunikationnetz an BRI/S0-ISDN Schnittstellen.
B.7 Authorized European Representative
D R M Green, European Compliance Services Limited.
Oakdene House, Oak Road , Watchfield, Swindon, Wilts SN6 8TD, UK
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
Copyright statement
Copyright © 2008, Patton Electronics Company. All rights reserved.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Patton Electronics assumes no
liability for errors that may appear in this document.
Trademarks statement
The term SmartNode is a trademark of Patton Electronics Company. All other trademarks presented in this docu-
ment are the property of their respective owners.
Warranty, Trademark, & Compliance Information
For warranty, trademark and compliance information, refer to the Models SN4650 Series Getting Started Guide
located on the CD-ROM that came with your VoIP Gateway Router or available online at
In accordance with the requirements of council directive 2002/96/EC on Waste of
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE), ensure that at end-of-life you separate
this product from other waste and scrap and deliver to the WEEE collection system in
your country for recycling.
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
SmartNode 4654 & 4658 ADSL2+ Quick Start Guide
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